Jay's Elimination Chamber Preview
Its time for a heel turn-for me.
Here's whats going on. Its me. Just me. Me and my shit opinions that seem to piss everyone off, but you're too afraid to @ me directly. This is my invitation. Bring it on, babies.
There's no gimmick this preview, if that's what you were expecting.
Lets jump into the Elimination Chamber preview:
The winner of this event will get to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Will Brock even show up for this? Its really doubtful. I feel like the 7 man chamber was added because they needed something for Seth and Finn to do, because WWE is bad at this. There's a lot of buzz that Roman is going to come out on top on this one, but hear me out: I think with Seth being down a partner right now, he is going to win the chamber and take on Brock, and hopefully bring the belt back to a superstar who puts in time and works show after show night after night.
In my heart? My number one pick is absolutely Finn. He almost made it as the last man in the Rumble, so there's no reason he couldn't come out on top for this right? After all, this slow burn heel turn that hes doing isn't going quick enough for me, so give me one thing or the other, Vince. My birthday is next week and I'm not getting any younger.
Regardless of how this match goes, we better get Elias serenading us in a music battle with Braun and his acoustic bass. Hands will be caught.
The Bar vs. Titus Worldwide: Respect the hawk. This is Cesaro section. 'Nuff said.
Asuka vs. Nia: I'm calling shenanigans and this is where we're going to have to put up with more Ronda Rousey baloney.
Women's Elimination Chamber: First of all, I absolutely love Alexa's angle in this. Alexa is one of my favorites because she is always trying to stay one step ahead to save her own behind when she is in a jam. I loved that she came for Kurt claiming she has to put in more work because she's a woman and that Kurt respects Brock more because hes a man (and honestly? Go off, girl).
For once it would be great that the women are doing something because its part of the story rather than "lets make history" that Stephanie McMahon screeches into the microphone over and over and over again for the sake of a story for the women's division.
I would love to see Bayley come out on top of this, especially after her incredible match against Sasha, but I think Sonya or Sasha is going to come out as the Women's Champion. I also expect Dana to cause a ruckus because honestly why isn't she booked in this? Why hasn't Dana been doing anything? If I sincerely missed out hearing on an injury or anything, I apologize, but I like her and think she deserves better than a sidekick.
Enjoy the last few PPV's before they turn to garbage because we apparently need five hours of cross brand messes.
Catch yinz on the twitter account this Sunday.
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